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C-Section Specialist

Valentine Ugwu, MD, FACOG, MBA -  - OBGYN

VNC RealHealth PLLC

Valentine Ugwu, MD, FACOG, MBA

OBGYN & Family Medicine located in Pearsall, TX

The birth of your baby is an exciting, life-changing event. How you deliver your baby is very important to many expectant mothers. In some cases, a cesarean section (C-section) is necessary for your health or the health of your baby during delivery. Experienced OB/GYN Valentine C. Ugwu, MD, FACOG, MBA, at VNC RealHealth in Pearsall, Texas, performs C-sections to ensure a safe and happy delivery. To schedule an appointment, call the office today or book online.

C-Section Q & A

What is a C-section?

A C-section is a surgical procedure that ensures the safe delivery of your baby through incisions in your abdominal area. About 30% of babies are delivered via a C-section in the United States, so it’s a fairly common procedure. However, a C-section is still considered a major surgery.

How do I know if I need a C-section?

Many women know ahead of time if they need a C-section to safely deliver their baby. However, emergency C-sections during vaginal deliveries are sometimes necessary. Dr. Ugwu is a seasoned OB/GYN and determines when a C-section is appropriate.

Reasons you may need a C-section include:

  • Your baby is in distress
  • Your labor isn’t progressing
  • You’re carrying more than one baby
  • You have placenta previa
  • Your baby is in a breech position
  • Mechanical obstruction of the birth canal, such as a fibroid

You may also need a C-section if your previous baby was delivered via C-section, although it’s possible to have a vaginal birth following a C-section.

What happens during a C-section?

To ease discomfort, most C-sections are performed using a regional anesthesia that numbs the abdominal area, but you’re still awake.

During your C-section, Dr. Ugwu makes an incision in your abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby and remove your placenta. Then, Dr. Ugwu sutures your uterus and abdomen while you meet your new baby.

What happens after my C-section?

You may need to stay in the hospital an extra day following a C-section. During this time, you’re encouraged to eat, drink, and move around to assist in the healing process while you continue to bond with your baby.

Before you go home, Dr. Ugwu provides instructions on how to care for your C-section incision, as well as activity and lifting restrictions. He schedules a follow-up appointment so he can check on you to see how you’re doing.

Recovery times vary, but you should be able to resume most of your usual activities about six weeks following your C-section.

C-sections are common surgical procedures and ensure a safe delivery for you and your baby. For expert care of your pregnancy and delivery, call VNC RealHealth today or book an appointment online.